StorefrontLab #Action: Raise Your Voice, Raise a Sign

StoreFrontLab #Action hosted two sign-making sessions in preparation for marches set for January 20 and 21 nationwide. Whether headed to Washington DC or planning to march here at home, folks gathered with friends and allies to workshop their signs.  

Tuesday, January 17, 6-8 pm
Art in Action: StoreFrontLab Goes to Washington
Local illustrators and designers hosted an evening of art and politics, creating signs for StorefrontLab's delegation to the Women's March on Washington.

Friday, January 20, 2-5PM
#DesignAsProtest SF
Stop by on Inauguration Day to make a sign, share a drink, and meet new people before joining the marches on Friday and Saturday. Part of Design Justice's #DesignAsProtest, a national day of action highlighting the role of designers can play in social movements. Full details here.

"The voice of protest is the voice of another and an ancient civilization which seems to have bred in us the instinct to enjoy and fight rather than to suffer and understand."
- Virginia Woolf

Part of Season 4: NOW!, StoreFrontLab #Action is an ongoing series of community-based workshops, talks, activities and gatherings supporting our collective work as advocates for peace, justice and social accountability.