A Conversation on Life and Living


Jacob Palmer and Arianne Gelardin

September 27 - October 22, 2016
Multi-Channel Video

A Conversation on Life and Living is a public survey on foundational human beliefs: What is your idea of earthly happiness? What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? The first iteration of interviews—which engages marginally-housed and homeless residents around the Bay Area, as well as those working in social services—are presented through a multi-channel video display. These monologues weave in and out of conversation with others, creating a community of ideas and personal convictions. StoreFrontLab curators Jacob Palmer and Arianne Gelardin regard the interviewees—the Public—as cultural contributors and living proof that Art is Life and Life is Art, with no distinction between the two.

337 Shotwell Street
San Francisco, CA

Hubbell Street Galleries
California College of Art
161 Hubbell Street
San Francisco, CA